Decision details

Peterborough Station Quarter Redevelopment Scheme – Contract for Appointment of Multi-Disciplinary Team Relating to the Design and Assurance Process* - JUN23/CAB/5

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Peterborough Station Quarter Multi-Disciplinary team appointment.


Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to authorise the award of a contract toOve Arup Limited, for £924,000, relating to the period23 June 2023to 1 November 2024,for a multi-disciplinary team to undertake design and assessments as part of the assurance process for accessing LUF2 funds.Bloom Procurement Services Limited proposeto award Ove Arup Limited to deliver the multi-disciplinary team services.

Reasons for the decision:

The recommendation is put forward to progress with the development of the Peterborough Station Quarter (PSQ)Redevelopment Scheme, following the approval of funding through LUF2. There are 5 key areasidentified to progress, as part of a Phase 1. 


Station West 

The Station is currently accessible from one side only (east) meaning that passengers need to traverse a connecting link bridge to access the most westerly platforms. Car parking provision is also concentrated on the east side of the Station, where there is approximately 4 hectares of surface car parking. Therefore, some passengers experience additional journey times in excess of 15 minutes from car park to platform edge. 

The fact that the Station can only be accessed from the east creates additional pressures on the road network at the Crescent Bridge roundabout. A feasibility study for the PSQ Masterplan (2020) revealed that around 30% of Station users travel from the west along Thorpe Road If the Station could be accessed from the west with adequate car parking provision it would ease pressure on the city’s road network at Crescent Bridge/Bourges Boulevard, reduce congestion, vehicular/pedestrian interface risk and air pollution. 


Station East and Main Footbridge  

There is a shortage of quality food and beverage, meeting and conferencing facilities around the Station compromising the overall customer experience. Post-COVID work and leisure patterns are likely to see migration from centres such as London to a more dispersed model, and Peterborough is ideally suited to continue its upward population growth in addition to acting as concentrated point from local commuters in East Northamptonshire, South Lincolnshire, Rutland and North West Cambridgeshire. The multi-disciplinary team will further develop /progress concepts for the eastern Station building, main footbridge (parcel bridge is excluded) and commercial opportunities ensuring it continues to achieve the outcomes stated in the LUF 2 bid and agreed with government. 


Station Facilities  

The multi-disciplinary team will agree with PCC, NR and LNER the specification of the Station in terms of facilities in light of previous work and the budget envelope. Equalities Act 2010 compliance and connectivity through the Station is critical to the success of the project and this must be considered.  


Car Park Provision 

Surface level car parking occupies approximately 5 hectares of land around the Station. This high value land has the potential to transform the local area and could be unlocked for greater commercial and housing development. This is particularly significant as there is a substantial lack of high quality commercial and office space in Peterborough and particularly in the proximity of Peterborough Station. 

The relocation of the Network Rail Maintenance Delivery Unit (MDU) to Mayors Walk and Spital Bank car parks, freeing up land for residential development on the western side, will mean such re-provision of parking space is required 


Onward Connectivity  

There is a lack of accessible and level pedestrian and cycle links between the heart of the city and the train Station and from the west to the Station – Bourges Boulevard interrupts the movement of active modes and the existing buildings provide visual severance.  

There are three routes into the city centre from the rail Station, but these are via an underpass that is unattractive and of poor quality. The underpass could be perceived as intimidating and offers a very poor first impression of Peterborough. A strong connection between the railway Station entrance and Cowgate could become an accessible route suitable for all which would introduce visitors to the city through a series of legible spaces, finally culminating in the west face of the Cathedral. 

Station West will also be a new prominent approach and as such an interchange area is required from Midlands Road that enables drop-off, walking and cycling arrivals. 



The high-level timeline is as follows for the Peterborough Station Quarter Redevelopment Scheme: 


·        Appointment of a Multi-Disciplinary Consultant Team – June 2023 

·        Development of a Masterplan Framework – July 2023 

·        Agreement of Phase 1 Components – August 2023 

·        Stakeholder Consultation on Phase 1 Components – Autumn 2023 

·        Design and Appraisal of Phase 1 Components – December 2023 

·        Submission of Outline Business Case – end of 2023 

·        Detailed Design of Phase 1 Components – through 2024 

·        Submission of Full Business Case – Autumn 2024 

·        Construction of Phase 1 Components – Early 2025 to March 2026 


Alternative options considered:

To do nothing– This option was discounted on the basis that the LUF2 funding would be a missed opportunity for Peterborough. 


Use internal resources – Specialist knowledge is required for this work, and this is not available internally at PCC or the CPCA. 


By commissioning an external specialist consultant to deliver this work Value for Money will be achieved through the specialist knowledge in order to achieve the project outcomes.  


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Background Documents:

The LUF2 Bid has been used for background. 

Publication date: 19/06/2023

Date of decision: 19/06/2023

Decided at meeting: 19/06/2023 - Cabinet

Effective from: 24/06/2023

Accompanying Documents: