Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The purpose of this report is to set out the necessary steps to secure funding, allocated to Peterborough City Council through the 2021 Peterborough Town Deal, in relation to three of the Town Deal projects.
· Submission of the business cases and subsequent funding provides £6.0m investment which will deliver a pedestrian bridge over the River Nene, providing a walking and cycling route between the Embankment and Fletton Quays and also support the ambition of opening up the waterfront for regeneration.
· Upgrade Lincoln Road through public realm improvements to the streetscape, through improving pedestrian experiences, improving vitality and vibrancy of businesses and encouraging social interaction. This will be achieved through various improvements including resurfacing of footway and frontages within the curtilage of businesses with block paving, new pedestrian crossings, soft landscaping and street furniture.
· Improve accessibility and connectivity between Peterborough Station and the city centre through the provision of a ramp at the Bus Station and a number of other walking and cycling improvements.
Cabinet considered the report and, following the endorsement of the Town Deal Board on 14 March 2022 in respect of the business cases for River Nene Pedestrian Bridge, Lincoln Road and Peterborough Station Quarter, delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer, Director of Resources (s151 officer) and the Executive Director Place and Economy to RESOLVED to;
1. Approve Town Deal Summary Documents, as set out at Appendix 1, 2 and 3 of this report, and submit them to Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) for approval in line with our agreed Towns Fund programme.
River Nene Pedestrian Bridge
The Primary objectives for the River Nene Pedestrian Bridge are:
· Create a new pedestrian crossing over the River Nene to reduce severance
· Improved pedestrian journey times between Fletton Quays and the Embankment
· Improve the quality of sustainable travel links between Fletton Quays and the Embankment
· Improving the riverfront and creating a landscaped features to enjoy
· Protect and improve the biodiversity value of the study area
The Secondary Objectives are:
· Assist in creating a walking, liveable city
· Reduce pressure of City Centre traffic routes.
Lincoln Road Public Realm Improvements
· Enhance streetscape of the Millfield District Centre
· Increase pedestrian and cycling activity and reduce primacy of car use
· Increase visitation to and use of Millfield District Centre
· Support existing business and employment activities in Millfield District Centre
· Support community cohesion and reduce criminal activity and anti-social behaviour in the District Centre by fostering increased sense of place and pride
· Improve socioeconomic outcomes for Millfield’s resident and business community.
Peterborough Station Quarter
The Peterborough Station Quarter project is a transport scheme and can have both primary and secondary objectives. The primary objectives are the fundamental outputs required from the scheme and therefore must be achieved. Secondary objectives are other outputs that are achieved along the way but are not necessary to the success of the scheme. The secondary objectives tend to be delivered because of delivering the primary objectives.
The primary objectives therefore represent the transport outcomes required by the scheme as stated above:
· Improve the accessibility between the Station and the city centre
· Improve the active travel infrastructure between the Station and the city centre
The project will also provide secondary objectives:
· Assist in creating a walking, liveable city
· Support the wider redevelopment of the Station Quarter
River Nene Pedestrian Bridge
The project will deliver a number of outcomes including:
· Less pressure on City Centre walking and cycling routes
· New north-south cycle route for pedestrians and cyclists
· Improved connectivity between Fletton Quays and the Embankment
· Safe walking and cycling route with access for all
· Improved environment for pedestrians and cyclists
· Support growth agenda and tourism
Lincoln Road Public Realm Improvements
The project will deliver a number of outcomes including:
· Increased footfall (5% growth) and dwell time for visitors to the District Centre
· Improved streetscape, visual aesthetic and urban environment in area
· Mode shift from car use to walking, with more pedestrian friendly access to and within Millfield District Centre
· Increased demand for residential and commercial property owing to improved urban environment
· Improved perception/image/reputation of Lincoln Road and proximate neighbourhoods near Millfield District Centre
· Increased pride in neighbourhood for local residents and businesses
Peterborough Station Quarter
The project will deliver the following outcomes:
· Improve the accessibility between the Station and the city centre
· Improve the active travel infrastructure between the Station and the city centre
Peterborough Town Investment Plan
Publication date: 20/06/2022
Date of decision: 20/06/2022
Decided at meeting: 20/06/2022 - Cabinet
Effective from: 24/06/2022
Accompanying Documents: