Decision details

University Funding and Finance Interim Update - OCT21/CAB/39

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


1.    Recommendation to Full Council to repurpose £1.9m PCC contribution to university enabling infrastructure in MTFS

2.    Enter the CPCA Getting Building Fund Grant agreement to provide a new surface car park supporting regional pool customer parking;

3.    In the event of LUF bid success, transfer LUF grant funding to PropCo1 and delegate authority to the Strategic Director for Place and Economy and the Corporate Director Resources and SC to complete the transfer on the receipt of funds

4.    In the event of LUF bid success, revise PCC's PropCo share allocation position up to reflect the Phase 3 LUF funding allocation 

5.    In the event of LUF bid success, nominate the Corporate Director Resources as an additional PCC director to the PropCo Board with amended PCC voting rights 

6.    In the event of LUF bid success, confirm PCC land transfer area for Phase 3 with accompanying independent valuation


Cabinet considered the report and?RESOLVED?to: 


1.    Authorise the Council to enter the Getting Building Fund (GBF) Grant agreement with the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) to provide a new surface car park supporting regional pool customers and free up spaces for university use as set out at paragraph 4.18  

2.    Recommend to Council, the re-allocation of the capital programme budget for University Access / Slip Roads to deliver the car park by December 2022, utilising Getting Building Funding Grant, and £500k of council match funding  

3.    Delegate authority to the Corporate Director Resources and the Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer to negotiate and agree commercial terms with Peterborough Limited and PropCo 2 to lease spaces on PCC’s regional pool car park;  

4.    Approve the development of an Her Majesty’s Treasury (HMT) 5 case business case for development of Phase 3 of the university for subsequent consideration by Cabinet  

5.    Approve the instruction of a red book valuation for land at Bishop’s Road for university Phase 3.  


In the event of a successful Levelling Up Fund (LUF) bid for university Phase 3, delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place and Economy and the Corporate Director Resources to;  


6.    Approve the business case set out at recommendation 5 capping PCC capital contribution to the project at £20m in line with the bid submitted to MHCLG 3  

7.    Note the governance arrangements proposed to govern the build of university Phase 3 as set out at Appendix 3  

8.    Enter into the Levelling Up Fund grant agreement with MHCLG  

9.    Approve the development of a Subscription Agreement between the Combined Authority and Peterborough City Council for the capital investment into the development of Phase 3 and the land required and delegate to the Executive Director of Place and Economy and Corporate Director Resources, in consultation with Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Commercial Strategy and Investments and the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education, Skills and the University authority to negotiate and complete the Subscription Agreement;  

10.  Approve the commitment to invest the £20M capital grant into the Phase 3 build and draw down the funding to mobilise the activities and milestones identified within the Business Case to achieve the completion of university Phase 3 teaching building by end March 2024.  

11.  Approve transfer of a single further phase of land for university Phase 3 subject to relevant shares being allocated in favour of PCC in PropCo, planning permission, final independent red book land valuation and, adhering to all other legal and other necessary statutory obligations and consents as required.  

12.  To put a motion to the Board of Prop Co to increase the number of PCC directors and in so doing increase the degree of control of the company  

13.  Subject to recommendation 12, approve the nomination of Emma Gee, Assistant Director Growth and Regeneration, as an additional director on PropCo Board to reflect PCC increased shareholding in PropCo 1. 


Reasons for the decision:

This cabinet paper built upon previous university programme decision making including a March 2020 CMDN, September 2020 cabinet paper and a June 2021 CMDN. Given its ongoing development ambitions, the university programme would be the subject of further governance and decision-making papers as it developed and achieved its vision for the city in the coming years. 

Alternative options considered:

The Council could choose not to accept the grant funding for the car park which in turn would allow the university to satisfactorily discharge planning conditions thereby not permitting occupation of the building. This would bring reputational, political and financial risk to the university programme, partners CPCA, ARU and council directly (as landowner and planning authority). Given this, the option to do nothing was discounted at the outset. 


The Council could not accept LUF funding for Phase 3 of the university denying £20m investment into the city as well as partner match funding of £6m. This would mean the university would be limited to a single teaching and R&D building stunting its growth and its ability to reach critical mass and attract students.  


In respect of transferring the funding to PropCo 1 to deliver the university, PCC could accept the grant and choose instead to contract and delver the building. This would not utilise the track record and capacity offered by the current delivery route which is successfully delivering against phases 1 and 2. 


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Background Documents:

Previous decisions relating to the university were taken by March 2020 CMDN, September 2020 Cabinet and June 2021 CMDN.

Publication date: 25/10/2021

Date of decision: 25/10/2021

Decided at meeting: 25/10/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 29/10/2021

Accompanying Documents: