Issue details

Peterborough City Centre Development Plan Document

Cabinet received a report following approval of the Consultation Draft version of the City Centre DPD (from now on referred to as the City Centre Plan) on 10 December 2012, and following public consultation and further evidence gathering since that date.


Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to:


Recommend the Peterborough City Centre DPD (Proposed Submission Version) to Council for approval for the purposes of public consultation and submission to the Secretary of State, subject to the following changes:


i)        References to ‘disability forums’ to be amended to ‘disability forums and other disability organisations’.

ii)       Page 72 of the Development Plan Document, implementation detail for Policy CC1 to include ‘and accessibility issues for disabled’; and

iii)      To ensure the provision of drop off and pick up areas for coaches and buses by including the following wording at 6.1.20 of the DPD:

“The council will encourage provision of coach parking facilities to attract visitors to the city centre. Within the Opportunities Areas where there is a mix of uses including leisure (D2) the developer will be required to provide coach or bus parking spaces as set out in Appendix a (PP13) of the Planning Policies  DPD.  Individual parking requirements will be assessed for each application based on the mix of uses proposed.”


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommmend Forward to Council

Wards affected: Central; East; Fletton and Woodston;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/11/2013

Decision due: 4 Nov 2013 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Marco Cereste

Lead director: Executive Director - Operations

Contact: Richard Kay, Head of Sustainable Growth Strategy Email: Tel: 01733 863795.


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