Issue details

Budget 2013/14 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023/2024 - KEY/08FEB13/01

Cabinet received a report presenting budget proposals for 2013/14 through to 2022/23, in line with the provisional local government finance settlement for 2013/14 and in advance of some Department for Education specific grants being announced.


          Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to:


1.        Have regard to the consultation feedback received to date and statutory advice detailed in the report when determining the budget recommendations, noting that consultation remains open and further updates will be provided.


2.        Agree that the following be approved and recommended to Council on 6 March 2013, noting that updates may be necessary if additional information emerges:


a)        That the MTFS is set in the context of the council priorities.

b)        The Budget monitoring report as the latest probable outturn position for 2012/13.

c)        The revenue budget for 2013/14 and indicative figures for 2014/15 to 2022/23 (including the capacity bids and saving proposals).

d)        The capital programme for 2013/14 to 2022/23 and associated capital strategy, treasury strategy and asset management plan.

e)        The council tax freeze in 2013/14 and indicative increases for planning purposes of 2% for 2014/15 to 2022/23.

f)          To spend at the level of the Dedicated Schools Grant for 2013/14 to 2022/23.

g)        The proposals for reserves and balances.

h)        The proposals for setting fees and charges for 2013/14 including the indicative fees and charge increases for 2014/15 and 2015/16.

i)           The proposal for the deferral of mandatory implementation of auto enrolment of pensions for employees until 30 September 2017.

3.        Note that these recommendations are put forward on the basis of the confirmed local government finance settlement for 2013/14 and best estimates of future local government funding.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significantly affecting two or more electoral wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: Not before 7th Feb 2013 by Cabinet
Reason: - Meeting will be open to the Public

Lead director: Executive Director - Strategic Resources

Department: Corporate Services

Contact: Steven Pilsworth, Service Director Financial Services Email: Tel: 01733 384564.

Consultation process

Relevant Internal and external stakeholders.

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Sustainable Growth and Environment Capital

Meeting Open to Public: Yes


Agenda items