Issue - decisions

Amendment of Existing Loan Arrangements to Empower - KEY/28NOV16/05

27/02/2017 - Amendment of Existing Loan Arrangements to Empower - FEB17/CAB/20

Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to:

1)    Approve the amendment of the terms of the Strategic Partnership with Empower Community Management LLP;


2)    Amend the financing agreement with ECS Peterborough 1 LLP to include the purchase of ground mounted solar PV and the purchase of solar PV installed on local authority residential social housing  properties;


3)    Approve the due diligence measures proposed;


4)    Approve Council entering into such further agreements with ECS Peterborough 1 LLP and any other body necessary to facilitate the arrangements set out in this report; and


5)    Delegate to the Corporate Director, Resources and Director of Governance the ability to finalise any individual matters.