Agenda item

Senior Management Restructure - Phase Two: Proposed Job Description and Job Evaluation Process


The Chief Executive presented a report to the Committee which detailed the proposed job descriptions and job evaluation process for those posts which formed part of the senior management restructure - phase two.


            The report sought the Committee’s approval for the proposed job descriptions for the newly created and redesignated posts. It also provided an opportunity for the Committee to ensure that all the roles had job descriptions which accurately reflected the work undertaken and the standards expected of the post holder.


            Corporate Director: People and Communities


The Committee was advised that the role of Corporate Director: People and Communities held the statutory responsibility for adults and childrens’ social care, and community safety. As a result the Independent Chair of the Peterborough Children’s Local Safeguarding Board had reviewed the job description and found that safeguarding measures were considered to be robust.


In response to a question raised by a member of the Committee the Chief Executive clarified that, subject to the approval of the job descriptions, Full Council at its meeting on 28 January 2015 would determine which pay band each position would be allocated. The Employment Committee would then be able to determine where, within the band, each successful candidate would be assigned.


            The Committee was advised that the job descriptions had been written by the Human Resources Advisor using a standard template to ensure consistency and to facilitate the evaluation process, with the input of the Chief Executive. The job descriptions had subsequently been reviewed and approved by the Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant directors, prior to submission to the Employment Committee for approval.


A motion was proposed and seconded to accept the proposed job description for the newly created post of Corporate Director: People and Communities. This motion was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED that the Employment Committee agreed the proposed job description for the newly created post of Corporate Director: People and Communities.


            Reasons for the decision:


            The proposed changes were to ensure the Council operated within frameworks that were lawful, best practice, transparent and consistent.


Service Director: Adults and Communities and Service Director: Children’s Services


In response to a question raised by a member of the Committee the Chief Executive explained that the role of Director of Public Health had been incorporated with the Corporate Management Team. As such, public health matters would be integrated into all the services of the Council, not just the Adults and Communities service. Additionally, public health was included in the Commissioning Department in order to achieve a holistic approach to providing for the Council’s needs.


A motion was proposed and seconded to accept the proposed job descriptions for the newly created posts of Service Director: Adults and Communities and Service Director: Children’s Services. This motion was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED that the Employment Committee agreed the proposed job descriptions for the newly created posts of Service Director: Adults and Communities and Service Director: Children’s Services.


            Reasons for the decision:


            The proposed changes were to ensure the Council operated within frameworks that were lawful, best practice, transparent and consistent.


Service Director: City Services and Communications


The Committee discussed whether it was appropriate for the Service Director: City Services and Communications job description to refer specifically to ‘City Centre Services’ rather than ‘City Services’. The Chief Executive advised that this reference was in light of the major events and businesses that were focused within the city centre. It was suggested that reference to the ‘City Centre’ should be replaced with ‘City’ only.


A member of the Committee raised that matter of ensuring ‘balance in all media coverage’, as referenced in the job description. The Human Resources Advisor explained that this related to the Council providing responses if information in the media was not correct. It was suggested that any issues with political balance within media coverage be pursued via another route.


A motion was proposed and seconded to accept the proposed job description for the redesignated post of Service Director: City Services and Communications subject to the deletion of the word ‘Centre’ from the first sentence of the Job Purpose section. This motion was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED that the Employment Committee agreed the proposed job description for the redesignated post of Service Director: City Services and Communications, subject to the following amendment:


i)             The word ‘Centre’ be deleted from the first sentence of the Job Purpose section.


            Reasons for the decision:


            The proposed changes were to ensure the Council operated within frameworks that were lawful, best practice, transparent and consistent.


Assistant Director: Digital Peterborough


The Committee was advised that this role would take the lead in managing the Digital Strategy. While ICT was referenced within the job description, the broader role of the position was also outlined.


A motion was proposed and seconded to accept the proposed job description for the newly created post of Assistant Director: Digital Peterborough. This motion was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED that the Employment Committee agreed the proposed job description for the newly created post of Assistant Director: Digital Peterborough.


            Reasons for the decision:


            The proposed changes were to ensure the Council operated within frameworks that were lawful, best practice, transparent and consistent.


Supporting documents: