Agenda and draft minutes

Neighbourhood Committee (S2) - Ortons with Hampton Neighbourhood Committee - Tuesday 18th December, 2012 7.45 pm

Venue: Ormiston Bushfield Academy - OBA. View directions

Contact: Louise Tyers Tel: 01733 452284 Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies from members unable to attend the meeting.


Apologies were received from Councillors Elsey, Goodwin and Scott.


Declarations of Interest




Minutes from the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2012.


The minutes from the meeting held on 17 September 2012 were agreed as a true and accurate record.


Issues arising from previous meeting


The Neighbourhood Manager advised that updates and details of completed actions were provided on the tables and were also featured on the rolling presentation.


Updates on Matters of Interest Relevant to the Committee

a)            Youth Forum


Presentation from the Youth Representaive on the Urban Sports Park project in Hampton.


b)      Safer Schools Project and Hampton Community Project


         Presentation from the local police inspector on the new approach to supporting schools and an innovative new partnership initiative on Hampton.


a)         Youth Forum


The Committee received a presentation from Jenny Humphreys and Carlos Harrison on the Hampton Urban Sports Park Project and other youth projects.  The key points were:


·         The Urban Sports Park project had come about following a petition from local young people.

·         £102,000 had been allocated to it in the budget and a funding bid had also been made to the Waste Recycling Environmental Network (WREN).

·         Following technical difficulties with the preferred location at Eagle Way, a decision had been made to proceed with two sites.  The Community Garden Project would continue at Eagle Way with the skate park now on a site on Beaumont Way.

·         There had been good attendance at Hampton Youth Club.

·         The Chill (Orton Youth Club) included outreach sessions with PCSOs and the ASB Team when the Chill was not on.

·         Funding for Friday Night Football (Orton) would continue for the New Year as Cross Keys Homes had allocated £2,000.  This would keep it going until at least April.  


Comments and responses to questions included:


·         Councillor Seaton advised that officers should speak to Bryan Tyler from the Disability Forum about the about the skate park.  Lisa Emmanuel confirmed that Bryan had already been spoken to about the project.

·         Serpentine Green should be approached to see if they would be willing to support Friday Night Football.  Inspector Bartlett confirmed that he would approach Serpentine Green.

·         Had councillors been approached about supporting Friday Night Football with additional funding?  Carlos advised that he had had useful conversations with councillors this evening.

·         Councillor Casey advised that there had been talk about inter-area football matches for young people.  Carlos confirmed that these were now coming back as the football was now held on the new Astroturf. The Young People’s Centre was now also open on Friday evenings for those young people who did not want to play football.

·         Councillor Allen stated that there had been plans for a football match between the young people and councillors and others.  Carlos advised that he would look to arrange something.


b)                  Safer Schools Project and Hampton Community Project


Inspector Andy Bartlett gave a presentation on the Orton and Hampton Schools Partnership.  The key points were:


·         The project had been developed with the intention of building and maintaining stronger relationships between Police and schools in Orton and Hampton.

·         Its aims were to give school staff and students a voice within the Neighbourhood Panel process; to be involved first hand with ASB and other behavioural problems; to encourage engagement with the Police and other partnership members; and to build relationships with students.

·         Every school in the area had signed up and PCSOs had been allocated to specific schools to help establish relationships.

·         A contract has been written for the schools to sign which had a list of options that they were able to choose from.  The options were:


-    Police and Fire Service lessons

-    Police Surgery

-    Link to Neighbourhood Panel Process

-    Community Cadets

-    Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC) Involvement

-    Youth  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Open Session

An opportunity for any member of the public, elected and co-opted members of the Neighbourhood Committee to raise anything that affects your area and to suggest items for future meetings. 


Attendees of the meeting were given the opportunity to ask questions and raise issues affecting the areas in which they lived.


These included:


  • Lisa advised that the Orton Longueville Community First Panel survey form, which was on the tables, needed to be completed.  Money was available for the ward but the Panel needed to understand the needs of the area first.
  • Councillor Casey asked if it was only for Orton Longueville residents to complete or could people in the vicinity of the ward also complete it.  Carol Nott advised that it needed to be only people living in the ward as it needed to benefit people in the ward.
  • A member of the public asked why Orton Longueville had been chosen.  Lisa confirmed that it was due to the level of deprivation.


Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on 27 March 2013 at Hampton Hargate Primary School.


The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 27 March 2013 at Hampton Hargate Primary School.