Agenda and minutes

Creating Opportunities and Tackling Inequalities Scrutiny Committee - Monday 9th September, 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: Bourges/Viersen Room - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Paulina Ford, Senior Governance Officer  Email:, 01733 452508

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Saltmarsh.  Councillor Harrington was in attendance as substitute.



Declarations of Interest and Whipping Declarations

At this point Members must declare whether they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, or other interest, in any of the items on the agenda, unless it is already entered in the register of members’ interests or is a “pending notification “ that has been disclosed to the Solicitor to the Council.

Members must also declare if they are subject to their party group whip in relation to any items under consideration.



There were no declarations of Interest or whipping declarations.


Minutes of Meetings held on 10 June and 22 July 2013 pdf icon PDF 127 KB

  • 10 June 2013
  • 22 July 2013

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 10 June and 22 July 2013 were approved as an accurate record.



Call In of any Cabinet, Cabinet Member or Key Officer Decisions

The decision notice for each decision will bear the date on which it is published and will specify that the decision may then be implemented on the expiry of 3 working days after the publication of the decision (not including the date of publication), unless a request for call-in of the decision is received from any two members of a Scrutiny Committee or Scrutiny Commissions.  If a request for call-in of a decision is received, implementation of the decision remains suspended for consideration by the relevant Scrutiny Committee or Commission.




There were no requests for Call-in to consider.



Peterborough Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report (PSCB) 2012/13 and Business Plan 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


The report provided the Committee with an update of the progress made with respect to the Peterborough Safeguarding Children’s Board (PSCB).  The Independent Chair of the Peterborough Safeguarding Children Board introduced the report and explained that the PSCB had a statutory duty to coordinate and ensure the effectiveness of local arrangements and services to safeguard and promote the welfare of children across all agencies in Peterborough.  The following areas of the report were highlighted:


·         Local context

·         Actions from the last Ofsted inspection

·         Monitoring the effectiveness of local work to safeguard and promote the welfare of children

·         The eight objectives of the PSCB which were:


1.    Ensure that early help and preventative measures are effective

2.    Ensure that children at risk of significant harm are being effectively identified and protected

3.    Ensure that everyone is making a significant and meaningful contribution to safeguarding children

4.    Ensure the workforce has the right skills, knowledge and capacity to appropriately safeguard children in Peterborough

5.    Know and understand the needs of all sectors of our community and are able to identify safeguarding issues within them

6.    Know that children are fully protected by all agencies from the effects of domestic abuse and neglect

7.    Ensure that all children are fully protected from the effects of Child Sexual Exploitation

8.    Governance and structure of PSCB


Members were informed that a workshop was held in February where children were invited to attend and provide feedback as to how they felt they could be made safe in Peterborough.  The feedback provided was slightly different from the priorities of the professionals.


Observations and questions were raised and discussed including:


·         Members were interested to know what the difference was in what the children had said at the workshop and what the officers had thought would be a priority for them.  Members were advised that one of the main concerns of officers was child protection and that children were often harmed by people who were known to them.  The children at the workshop highlighted that abuse also occurred through social media like Facebook or via texting and this had made them feel unsafe.  It was also highlighted that many young people were not keeping themselves safe via the internet.  An E-Safety sub group was therefore working on this with the Child Sexual Exploitation sub group.

·         Members asked what work the Board was doing to tackle the sexual exploitation of young people.  Members were informed that there was considerable work ongoing in relation to child sexual exploitation.  The police had an ongoing investigation and there was also a partnership multi agency child sexual exploitation group in Peterborough which was chaired by the Independent Chair of the Peterborough Safeguarding Children Board.  A Child Sexual Exploitation Strategy had been put in place for Peterborough.

·         Members referred to the Annual Report from the Child Death Overview Panel and referred to section six and Reported Child Deaths:

“Over the last year, sixty six children have died across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough which is considerably more than  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Children's (Social Care) Services Statutory Complaints Process (Children act 1989) Annual Report 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Additional documents:


The report was introduced by the Corporate Complaints Manager which provided the Committee with details of the statutory complaints made about children’s social care services in 2012/2013.  The main points of the report were highlighted:


  • The number of complaints received during 2012/2013 was broadly similar to the previous year.
  • The number of complaints resolved informally had increased to 15% of complaints logged from 9% in the previous year.  Informal complains were those resolved within three working days. 
  • There was an improvement last year in the Social Care team managers responding to complaints.  The average response time was driven down to an average of 16 days from an average of 23 days in the previous year.
  • There had been little change in the outcome of complaints overall with two thirds continuing to be wholly or partially upheld. 
  • There had been an increase in complaints being made by children themselves which was a good indication that young people were aware of their rights to access the complaints process and advocates when needed.
  • Included in the report for the first time this year was a full picture of the service improvements which were identified following complaints showing that changes were being identified and delivered throughout the year.


Observations and questions were raised and discussed including:


·         Members referred to the high level summary of complaints received in the report and wanted to know how as a percentage did the LA compared to its statistical neighbours.  The Complaints Manager informed Members that she was working with a number of other authorities within the Eastern Region to see if there was a way of benchmarking the number of complaints and how many were being upheld etc.  What had been found so far was that it was very difficult to compare one authority with another due to population size, difference in numbers of children receiving social care services etc.  The way forward to find the best starting point was still being established but the aim was to have established this by the next annual report.

·         Members sought clarification as to whether the number of complaints related to individuals or were there occasions where there was more than one complaint from the same individual.  Members were advised that there was a very low number of customers who make more than one complaint in a year.

·         Members referred to page 94 of the report, paragraph 5.4 which states “To use the Children’s (Social Care) Services statutory complaints process the complainant must meet certain criteria”.  If you receive a complaint that did not wholly meat the certain criteria would you still investigate the complaint.  Members were advised that the complaint would still be investigated but not under the statutory complaints process.

·         Members commented that they were pleased to see that a conciliation process had been introduced.

·         How many of the complaints received were considered to be vindictive.  Members were informed that in the Children’s Social Care area there were very few vindictive complainants.  One or two a year  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Establishment of a Task and Finish Group for Improving the Educational Outcomes for Children and Young People in Peterborough pdf icon PDF 60 KB


The purpose of the report was for the Committee to consider a request to establish a Scrutiny Task and Finish Group for improving the educational outcomes for children and young people in Peterborough.  The Assistant Director Education and Resources introduced the report and went through the proposed Terms of Reference and Membership.


Observations and questions were raised and discussed including:


·         Members requested that the second bullet point in the Terms of Reference “Monitoring of the performance of pupils with pupil premium funding (in receipt of free school meals)” be expanded to include how the Pupil Premium was being used within schools. 

·         Members sought clarification that the Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and University understood that whilst he could not be a member of the task and finish group he may be called upon as a key witness.  Members were advised that the Cabinet member was fully aware of his position with regard to the task and finish group.




The Committee recommended and approved:


1.    The establishment of a Task and Finish Group for improving the educational outcomes for children and young people in Peterborough.

2.    The Terms of Reference as set out in the report with the addition of how Pupil Premium was being used within schools.

3.    The Membership of the Group and any additional members that might be nominated by Group Secretaries.



Children's Services Improvement Programme pdf icon PDF 111 KB


The Executive Director of Children’s Services introduced the report.  The report informed the Committee on progress that had been made on the Children’s Services Improvement Programme which had been put in place following an Ofsted Inspection in August 2011.  The progress report had been a regular report to the committee and the last update to the committee had been in July 2013.  The key highlights of the report were:


  • Slight decrease in referrals due to early intervention work.  Lowest rate since January 2012.
  • Continued decrease in re–referrals
  • Initial Assessments in timescales reduced due to the reconfiguration at the front door.
  • Number of CAFs increased

·         Greater focus on raising quality.  Every single case had a quality assurance audit.

·         Monthly Safeguarding Assurance Days held in each

·         Plans were being developed to re-shape the referral, assessment and family support service.

Members were informed that there were currently 37 unallocated cases due to staff shortage. Each case had been triaged and screened.  The cases were children of low level needs.


Observations and questions were raised and discussed including:


·         Members referred to page 110 in the report - 5.5 Core Assessments. Members commented that there appeared to be a disconnect between the core assessments completed within 35 days of assessment start July data of 219 and that of the commentary provided in the summary which stated 124.   The Executive Director acknowledged that it was incorrect and apologised.

·         Members referred to section in the report on Initial Assessments and the commentary provided.  Members were concerned at the loss of two members of staff and the impact that this seemed to have had on Initial Assessments.  Members were given assurance that the loss of the two members of staff had not impacted on the referrals of work regarding safeguarding and those cases had been reallocated.

·         Members sought assurance that there was a plan in place to ensure the department would meet its statutory needs should there be a high influx of referrals.  Members were advised that the department would be able to meet its statutory requirement.  All cases falling within the statutory responsibilities and obligations of the department would be immediately allocated to a social worker.

·         How much money would the department receive under the ‘Payment by Results’ scheme and what would be done with the money.  Members were advised that the exact amount would not be known as it was payment by results.  Each agency had identified a person to become a dedicated connector within each agency.  Each agency would therefore receive a portion of the money received.




The Committee noted the report and requested that a report on Connecting Families be presented to the Committee at a future meeting.



Notice of Intention to take Key Decisions pdf icon PDF 43 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received the latest version of the Council’s Notice of Intention to Take Key Decisions, containing key decisions that the Leader of the Council anticipated the Cabinet or individual Cabinet Members would make during the course of the following four months.  Members were invited to comment on the Plan and, where appropriate, identify any relevant areas for inclusion in the Committee’s work programme.




The Committee noted the Notice of Intention to Take Key Decisions and requested that information be provided on Clare Lodge – KEY/22AUG13/01



Work Programme 2013/2014 pdf icon PDF 76 KB


Members considered the Committee’s Work Programme for 2013/14 and discussed possible items for inclusion.




To confirm the work programme for 2013/14 and the Senior Governance Officer to include any additional items as requested during the meeting including:


  • Connecting Families
  • CAF’s



Date of Next Meeting

Monday 11 November 2013


Monday 11 November 2013


The meeting began at 7.00pm and ended at 8.20pm